Monday 23 January 2012

10 must read book in our life...

As we go along our life’s journey we face many challenges which eventually help us become more mature and deepen our self-realization. In life, we never stop learning and we never stop growing, so there is really no destination but it’s purely the journey that counts.
Life changing self help books can be a great source of inspiration and guidance in your life’s journey, they help your get new insights, widen your perspective and get you to look at areas that you have never considered before.

In this article I will enlist the top 10 life changing books. Many good self-help books are there, so this is not an end-all list. So here’s list of some of 10 life changing books, that gave us deep insights on self-realization, making our life more productive and abundant.

1.) Ask and It’s Given (Abraham Hicks)

This self help book is a life changer. It talks about law of attraction in a completely new perspective. It points you towards understanding your true nature, and your true power as a creator. If you really get the message in this book, you can shift into a life of ease and comfort by leveraging the power your thoughts and emotions. Your world will not be the same again, when you know the truth of your reality that’s vocalized in this book. In fact, I believe that if you get the message in this book, you don’t need to read any other self help book, period.

2.) The Power Of Now (Eckhart Tolle)
This life changing book by Eckhart Tolle is highly transformative and powerful. It will cause a huge shift in your consciousness, making you aware of your true self. Though it has the tone of a “spiritual book”, in actuality it contains a very practical and powerful teaching. It helps you become aware of your power in the present moment.

3.) Think and Grow Rich (Napolean Hill)

If you read Ask and it’s Given, and you get the message, then it’s not really necessary for you to read this book. However, it’s a highly powerful book for people who are new to understanding the power of thought and its creative potential.

4.) How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Dale Carnegie)

This book makes for a refreshing read and it has a powerful positive tone to it. It talks about how the habit of worrying can be poisonous to our life, and how we can change this habit to become more hopeful and positive minded.

5.) Awaken the Giant Within (Anthony Robbins)

If you are go-getter, and you are looking to make your life more powerful by changing your current belief systems, then this is the book for you. It draws heavily on techniques of NLP, but it also goes beyond it. Anthony Robbins is a highly acclaimed motivational speaker and author known for his power to instigate dynamic changes quickly.

6.) Fit for Life (Harvey Diamond)

This book gave me a whole new perspective on eating right. This book is not about raw food diets, or veganism, but more about how to eat in a manner that helps your body stay healthy and fit. Some of the insights I gained from this book have really changed my life for the better.

7.) The Now Habit (Neil Fiore)

This is the right book for people who want to get organized in their work life in specific, though it’s not limited to your professional life. Neil gives many tips and insights on how to get more done in less time, and how to keep your life smooth and efficient.

8.) Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki)

This life changing book makes for an excellent reading and helps you get a perspective on how limiting beliefs can keep you from getting rich and affluent. If you have limiting beliefs about how to make money, then this is the book to read.

9.) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)

This was among the first few life altering self help books that I read during my undergrad years, and I found it really inspiring. A good book for professionals and students alike, it gives you a strong message on how to improve your productivity.

10.) The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)

This life transforming book should be your starting point if you are new to understanding the power of thought and how it shapes your life. It’s amazing how we create our own reality through our thoughts and how we can harness this power to consciously create the reality we want for ourselves

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