Sunday 5 August 2012

10 World’s Most Popular and Expensive Colleges

1. Vassar College ($ 51,300)
This college is located in New York and is School Of Medicine And Law. As acceptance rate ranges from 85-88%

2. Washington University in St. Louis ($ 51,329)
As name shows that this college is located in Washington and offers study in 40 majors as arts, science, fine arts, engineering, and business. It is popular among students and is preferred most by many.

3. Trinity College ($ 51,400)
It is also among the pricy colleges and has a firm motto as the college aim is to promote cognitive processes, no discrimination among the students and to develop students in every aspect of life.

4. Wesleyan University ($ 51,432)
This beautiful college is present in beautiful green valley and is offering majors as science and arts. Student capacity is however 2800 students and is known as the second Connecticut school.

5. Columbia University ($ 51,544)
This college offers top class undergraduate programs and ranks as the 8th best college of nation.

6. Johns Hopkins University ($ 51,690)
The 13th best college in nation offers 60 majors in the sciences and arts, education and engineering.

7. George Washington University ($ 51,775)
It is largest university in Washington and is highly priced university. As it offers about 87 majors including international affairs, journalism and science.

8. New York University ($ 51,993)
This pricy university is situated in New York and offers undergraduate programs as nursing, to liberal studies. 

9. Georgetown University ($ 52,161)
This costly college has alumni William Clinton and Antonin Scalia. It also offers several undergraduate programs. Moreover it has also won Big East leading seven men’s basketball titles.

10. Sarah Lawrence College ($ 55,788)
This highest price college is offering several undergraduate programs in unique manner. As with teaching classes are lead to fall into discussions, and various seminars, workshops and supplementary evaluations are conducted by teachers. Thus the quality of education that it offers worth high price.


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  4. This is too much expensive and alarming for the educational future. I don;t know why people are increaing the cost. Well they must have online options and services like and more.

  5. The list is just explaining us to choose your favorite colleges but there are expensive too. I think govt should must check that and plan something for it.

  6. These colleges are famous whole over the world. Thanks for sharing the list of most famous and expensive college but as i know these colleges are also famous for best studies and faculty. Just check that and see interesting tips of summarizing.
