Wednesday 1 August 2012

Coastal Islands

Kangaroo Islands, Australia.

Lying between the Indian and Pacific oceans, the land down under boasts of a 36,735 km long coastline. And with the addition of all the coastal islands, which totally amounts to more than 47,000 km of Australian coastline, and is linked by over 11,000 beaches? More than any other nation in the world.

More than 85 per cent of Australia's population, amounting to 12 million people, lives within 50 kilometers of the coast as most of Australia's cities and towns are situated on the coast, within a few kilometers from the ocean, making the beach an integral part of our laid-back lifestyle.

But Australians never occupied Kangaroo islands for the protection of natures gift to their country. The kangaroos and othe sea living animals live in the natural environment. Tourist are are allowed just to view these islands from a distance and then they proceed to most recent modern islands developed by the Australian Government.

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