Saturday 4 August 2012

The Chand Baori at Abaneri -- Rajasthan

Chand Baori at Abaneri – the biggest baori of India – the same one that was shown in the movie “Paheli” A baori is a step-well or a well where one needs to descend a few steps to reach the water level. Although one can imagine the utility value of these step-wells in the parched regions of Rajasthan, what still strikes you at the Chand-baori is the amazing and elaborate architecture.

The baori itself is located opposite Harshat Mata Temple, a beautiful structure made of stone with some amazing sculptures adorning its walls. As you step inside the compound you are filled with pure delight and wonder. In all the 100-foot deep baori has almost 3500 narrow steps in 13 stories. Its beauty and design has not only stood the test of time.

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