Wednesday 1 August 2012

Unheard destinations

This bridge over the Neretva River in Mostar, Bosnia, known to
locals as the Stari (short for Stari Most, "the old bridge") was destroyed 
by war in 1993, but then rebuilt with the help of the international community.

A majestic waterfall graces Iceland's Skaftafell National Park. 

Visitors take in an overview of the Maya ruins of Palenque in Mexico. 

The 15th-century Berber architecture of Ksar Ouled Soltane in 
southern Tunisia was featured in Star Wars.

The stupa of the Shwedagon Paoda in Myanmar (Burma) glistens in gold. 

Moracco the first islamic state in Africa. The Arabs conquered 
this region in 7th century. 

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